Quotes by Daniel Dennett


Biology is Engineering.
X è reale, ma non è ciò che tu pensi.
The mind is the effect, not the cause.
Words are memes that can be pronounced.
We philosophers are mistake specialists.
Noi filosofi siamo specialisti di errori.
What you can imagine depends on what you know.
The earth has grown a nervous system, and it's us.
Wherever there is a conscious mind, there is a point of view.
I think religion for many people is some sort of moral viagra.
True, you don't have to be religious to be crazy, but it helps.
Qualunque teoria che genera progresso è inizialmente contro-intuitiva.
Those who fear the facts will forever try to discredit the fact-finders.
Any theory that makes progress is bound to be initially counterintuitive.
Neither Darwin nor Nietzsche was politically correct, fortunately for us.
Imagination is cheap as long as you don't have to worry about the details.
Not a single one of the cells that compose you knows who you are, or cares.
Fortunatamente per noi, né Darwin, né Nietzsche furono politicamente corretti.
Religion, like love and music, is natural. But so are smoking, war, and death.
Love is blind, as they say, and because love is blind, it often leads to tragedy.