Citas por Wolfgang Köhler

9 citas    

Psychology is a very unsatisfactory science.
Without any conviction whatsoever nobody can be expected to have much courage.
Possiamo analizzare una melodia, ma non in parti indipendenti. Sarebbe la sua distruzione.
We can analyze the melody, but not in independent parts. That would be destrucion of the melody.
It is hardly an exaggeration to say that a chimpanzee kept in solitude is not a real chimpanzee at all.
Physics is becoming the study of organization. In this way … it will converge with biology and psychology.
La fisica sta diventando lo studio dell'organizzazione. In questo modo convergerà con la biologia e la psicologia.
I do not deny that objective experience is imbued with acquired meaning in many respects... Probably no experience escapes from the influence of meaning.
It would be interesting to inquire how many times essential advances in science have first been made possible by the fact that the boundaries of special disciplines were not respected... Trespassing is one of the most successful techniques in science.
9 citas